10 years and 3 days. Live well: eat healthy, read good stuff to nourish your mind, and slow down to pray and spend time with people and with nature to nourish your soul.

My most dearest Shosh and Jaialai:

We’ve lost a decade to fascist thugs who pose as public servants and abuse under color of authority. Such is the state of America today. We cannot be a great nation if we permit to power the very authoritarian government figures our forebears fought against.

No matter what happens, the persecution and destruction of our family by racist government thugs who abuse under color of authority will end this year. Until then, live well, stay healthy, strive to become the best possible version of you. You owe that to yourselves and to the world.

As numerous Bible stories have long foretold, when we meet our Maker, we’ll be judged upon what we have done with our lives and with the gifts we had been given. How will you answer? Will you say, “Here, I did my best with my talents and kicked ass helping the least of my brothers and sisters and making the world a better place” or “I was timid and scared, so I mostly hid from life, going through the motions of living and doing only what I needed to survive”?

In the Bible Story of the Three Servants, the first two who did their best were embraced and rewarded, while the third who wasted his talents was thrown outside the gate where he wailed and gnashed his teeth. (I think that’s the funniest image, by the way: some guy wailing and gnashing his teeth — who gnashes their teeth nowadays?)

The point is, to whom much is given, much is expected. Give back in the service of others. Happiness will ensue. As stated previously, it is a fool’s errand to chase after things or experiences that will supposedly make YOU happy: our brains are hard-wired to adapt, and you’ll soon tire of that having that new watch you’ve always wanted or playing that video game you’ve been eyeing. What’s new and novel becomes normal and routine in very short order. We are bottomless pits, destined to forever by unsatiated, if we pursue adrenaline rushes or material things.

On the other hand, I promise it will bring you immense joy to help others, especially if you do it for the sake of helping as the primary motive, not to make yourself look good, not to pad your resume, not to impress others by putting on a show and a false front for them. The world has more than enough of users masquerading as generous and good people — those who take food off the tables of the poor behind gain superiority over them, etc.

But, in order to be able to fully use your talents in the service of others, you must first take care of yourselves. Feed your body, your mind, and your soul good stuff. Avoid excesses, especially with respect to that which is convenient and devoid of true value e.g., fast food, fair weather “friends” and false gods like fame, online “friends” and money. Note, we need not be zealots and self-flagellate because we ate that entire bag of Doritos (God, I miss those!) or partied with acquaintances, but do not give yourself wholly to such empty pursuits. Aspire for better.

Eat healthy. Eat lots of fresh fruits and vegetables, and eat fish at least once a week. Cut down on ultra-processed foods and sweets, especially things loaded with high-fructose corn syrup.

Feed your mind good stuff. Read the classics and avoid overindulging on junk. Read news from reputable sources from different countries and, again, avoid junk and yellow journalism. Read widely and voraciously. You will never have enough time to make all the possible mistakes in life in order to learn from your mistakes, so learn from the lessons and mistakes of others throughout the ages. Yes, read Ludlum, Rowling, or whoever else you wish as the need for lighter fare arises, but again do not give yourself fully to such empty pursuits.

Pray and feed your soul good stuff. Don’t overburden yourself with the negative. Yes, life can suck and often does. Man suffers — from fools to hunger and loneliness — but don’t embrace the suck at the exclusion of the miracles that surround us. Birds chirping at day break. A cool breeze. Baby’s breath. Good chocolate. Snow. Sand and surf and the roar of ocean. People who truly love you and are willing to make you a priority regardless of blood ties.

Ask God to help you accept what you cannot change, and courage to change the things you can. Remember, your voice matters, especially when joined with those of others. For example, until the community at large engaged in widespread protests on the streets and on-line to hold George Floyd’s murderer responsible, the police had gotten away for years when they maimed or murdered people like Freddie Gray and countless others.

Do good deeds. Believe in something greater than yourselves. Work towards something more beautiful, be it a garden, a poem, a story, an app, or a life breathed a little bit easier because of you.

Most importantly, live fully. Don’t wait. Go forth and create beauty and opportunities for yourselves and others now.

There is beauty in kindness. Be more kind than necessary, especially to each other. You are your brother’s keeper. Until we next meet

All my love, always and forever,


P.S., I leave you with Ralph Waldo Emerson’s definition of success and Teddy Roosevelt’s quote from his speech at the Sorbonne. They have long guided me and given me comfort. I hope their words and visions will help you as well.

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